Arkansaw High Country Race Day 10.5 / Eureka Springs to Fayetteville / Done!
Leaving the hotel at dawn, I stopped at a convenience store and bought snacks, coffee and three breakfast sandwiches. I sat down among the dead bugs and cigarette butts on the sidewalk in front of the store, ate one of the sandwiches and drank my coffee before gingerly mounting up and continuing through downtown Eureka Springs, a place I have found fascinating since my first visit with my family when I was about 14. Its hilly streets, hippie vibe, funky shops and Victorian architecture were so different from anywhere I had ever been, and the idea that the springs had healing powers lent credence to the proposition that the place had some kind of magic. I soon crossed the suspension bridge over the White River at Beaver that had been underwater the previous summer. The chunky, wet gravel and frequent mudholes along the section that followed slowed me to a sub-10 mph average. Without realizing it, I passed over into Missouri and eventually passed through the town of Seligman ...